БЕЛГОРОД, 12 янв — РИА Новости. Число раненых при атаке украинского дрона по автомобилю в Белгородской области увеличилось до двух, в больницу обратился мужчина, сообщил губернатор региона Вячеслав Гладков в Telegram-канале.
The text explains that you are receiving a "429 Too Many Requests" error on the VK service.
Here are the main conceptual ideas leading to the error:
* Excessive Requests: Your browser is making too many requests to the VK server simultaneously.
* Insecure Connection: You are attempting to access the site using HTTP instead of the more secure HTTPS protocol.
* Cookie Disabling: Cookies are disabled in your browser, which are necessary for proper functionality and might be preventing the site from recognizing your session.
* Incomplete Data: The page you are trying to access hasn't received all the required data, leading to malfunction.
Ultimately, the text suggests contacting VK support for assistance in resolving these issues.
The text explains that you are receiving a "429 Too Many Requests" error on the VK service. Here are the main conceptual ideas leading to the error: * Excessive Requests: Your browser is making too many requests to the VK server simultaneously. * Insecure Connection: You are attempting to access the site using HTTP instead of the more secure HTTPS protocol. * Cookie Disabling: Cookies are disabled in your browser, which are necessary for proper functionality and might be preventing the site from recognizing your session. * Incomplete Data: The page you are trying to access hasn't received all the required data, leading to malfunction. Ultimately, the text suggests contacting VK support for assistance in resolving these issues.